Facebook Tips

Download Entire Facebook Photo Albums in Single Click

Did your friend simply post an entire series of pictures from your last trip together? this may save you such a lot time to be ready to transfer the photos in one click rather than saving each photo singly. visit http://facebook2zip.com to transfer the album for free! simply log in, select an friend, select an album and download! Its so easy! 
Schedule Facebook Posts

Go to your profile page and click in the status box at the highest. choose the sort of post you'd like, like status, photo, life event, etc. Enter your post but before touching the post button click on the little clock symbol that's the second symbol in the bottom left corner of the status box. choose a date and time after you would love your post to appear.

Edit Your Published Comments 

Did you create a orthography or synchronic linguistics mistake or modification your mind regarding your comment?.All you have got to try to to is hover over the comment and click on on the pencil image and Facebook can permit you to edit or take away your comment. This solely works for stuff you touch upon, not for standing updates. standing updates is deleted however not altered.



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